Built on different terraces, it hosts rare species and unique specimens.

The Botanical Garden is an interesting attraction to match your event.In addition to the visit, you can also organize an itinerant tasting route inside the garden. Built on different terraces, it hosts rare species and unique specimens: from Xanthorrheaceae, aspara-gaceae and liliaceae, with different varieties of aloe and Dasylirion, marked by the presence ofthe xanthorrhoea johnsonii, a fire-resistant plant originally from Australia; Cactaceae and succulents plants, tall Trichocereus pasacana standing out next to groups of agaves and echinocactus grusonii; the encephalartos, a fossil-cycled genus belonging to the zamiaceae family; and finally the Arab garden with a 10 pointed star fountain under the shadow of Bismarckia nobilis, howea Forsteriana and Arenga engleri.