Behind those gates lies the Garden of Eden.
Mediterranean in Nature, as we imagine Heaven to be on Earth.
Although it is not the work of God
they must have blessed it from up above: this is all-human, produce of outstanding people: the Faro family.
Emanuela Rosa Clot – Editor of Gardenia
Opening Times

Open by reservation from Monday to Saturday. Info and times >>

The Radice Pura Quidis Nosae Libconre Voloresto Nosae Libcon re volor Et qui Beati Dolupta Ectaturio.

Art Installations

Art installations are by the Radicepura artists in residence, they are in a two way exchange with nature, expressing complex and absolute notions.

Garden Festival

The first international event dedicated to Mediterranean Garden design and landscape architecture: a biennial event promoted by the Radicepura Foundation.

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Ultimi Articoli

Apertura Parco

Da Lunedi a Sabato: su prenotazione.
Giorno di chiusura: Domenica.


Strada 17, n° 19
Fraz. di S. Leonardello – Giarre (CT)